" CAP- Information Measures for Sustainable Food Chain "
Presentation of the CAPTION project:
The goal:
• Strengthening the trust given to the European Union among citizens - both among agricultural producers and those who do not carry out agricultural activities.
• Drawing public attention to the importance of Union support through the CAP, agriculture and regional development.
• Presenting the common agricultural policy (CAP) as the agricultural policy of all European citizens and presenting the advantages offered by it.
Harghita County Council, in partnership with the Harghita County Development Agency in 2017, successfully participated in a European Union project competition, and as a result the CAPTION project started. To the budget of almost 232,000 euros, the Harghita County Council contributed a share of 40%. Several activities were carried out based on this project:
Project management and coordination activities
Elaboration of a study on:
• Manual of visual identity of the Szekler-produced brand
• Elaboration of the methodology of granting the brand Szekler Products
Elaboration of dissemination materials
Creating an online platform for farmers
Elaboration of the e-learning curriculum for farmers
Organizing an event "The farm moves to the city"
Organization of Local Product Days
Presentation of local products in Brussels 2019
Organization of thematic seminars / blended learning for farmers
Organizing an event "Open days la fermă"