The disaster prevention analyses of Harghita County was presented

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Five settlements got water pumps with the support of the Harghita County Council
Harghita County Council financed with 28 thousand RON from its budget for purchasing five water pumps, which were handed over to the representatives of the five settlements under the headquarters of Harghita County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations on 12th of December 2011.
The assets will facilitate the work of the local volunteer fire fighters in Csíkszentmihály, Galócás, Lázárfalva, Tusnád, and Nagygalambfalva from Harghita County. The event was attended by Mr. Borboly Csaba, president of Harghita County Council and Mr. colonel Gheorghe Pop, commandant of Harghita County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations.
Borboly Csaba appreciated in his speech the firefighters’, especially the local volunteers’ work, who risk their lives for rescuing people and furthermore expressed his hope, that the newly inaugurated equipment won’t be needed too many times. – We will continue to cooperate with the Harghita County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and as far as possible we will support the local firefighters, who are making sacrifices for their community – said the president.
The president also presented the disaster prevention analyses of Harghita County, which is an important result of CivPro, Regional Initiative Project financed by INTERREG IVC.
The CivPro project, brings together 12 partners from 11 EU countries, the overall objective of the project’s is twofold. First, it aims to improve the coordination and effectiveness of regional policies in preventing disasters and mitigating their consequences. Second, the partnership wishes to further develop instruments and establish modalities to strengthen the link between disaster prevention and crisis management. The partnership is exchanging experiences, know-how and good practices on risk mapping, early warning systems, risk screening models and awareness-raising policies. Partners are also working on the development of a strategic approach to prevent and reduce any potential threat and damages resulting from natural calamities and man-made disasters. Overall policy recommendations and tailor-made local/regional Disaster Prevention Policy Plans developed on the basis of a pre-defined model tested at regional level are the final aim and challenge of the CivPro cooperation.
Furthermore colonel Gheorghe Pop appreciated the county council's financial support, which was invested in settlements where it was most needed.
A new car was also presented, that can be used is case of chemical disasters or by pyrotechnics to disarm the unexploded bombs remained from the two World Wars. At the same time, they presented a portable lighting tower, purchased two years ago, also supported by Harghita County Council and two stands by cars, financed by the Ministry of Health.
Miercurea Ciuc, 12th of December 2011.
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